baby bump

First bump picture. I’m in week 16 and getting dressed is getting a little more complicated. It’s time to invest in some supercomfy but everyday wearable pants that is bumb friendly and stylish.

Right now I’m still craving ice water with a squeeze of lemon juice. I’m loving the combo strawberries, banana and kiwi, yum yum yum! Othervise it’s been pretty normal on the food side. 😉

My dizzyness is so much better, now it only comes every now and then. The naseua is also better, it’s still there but worse only during the evening. Fingers crossed it will stay this way! Or get even better.

Still it’s all a bit unreal, seeing the belly grow knowing someone is in there. So fantastic. Right now I can’t wait for my next ultra sound which I’ll have late november. Maybe then we’ll know if it’s a boy or a girl! What do you think it is?